Anna is a Northern Colorado native who left to chase after a cute guy. After she and the love of her life had kids they moved back to Colorado to raise them near their tribe. They have been in Windsor for 12 years, so it all worked out okay!

​From March until July 1st, she loves to play in the yard and grow flowers! After July 1st, it’s too hot to garden so Anna lets the weeds have their day! August brings school and volleyball. She loves volleyball and is often the loudest in the crowd, wearing that badge proudly! Every December, Anna’s family goes to the forest to cut down their Christmas tree which is quickly followed by her feeling sad they just cut down a tree. At home, she plays Bakugans, Lego and ninjas. She is still working on her silent ninja steps but her dog follows her everywhere so she is not as sneaky as she would like to be.

Anna truly enjoys and appreciates her church family at Bethel. Work is a joy when you’re working for God and this wonderful group of people!

To contact Anna Wemmerus, Office Administrator please use the form below.