our story
Bethel Lutheran Church was founded in 1945 by a small group of Lutheran families who desired to worship and practice their faith in English. They met in the east room of the Windsor Public Library (located where the front lawn is today).
In 1955, the congregation began working on what would become Bethel’s beautiful sanctuary. The project was completed thanks to many members who dedicated their time (and tractors!) to the effort. There have been many changes since those early years in the Library with more building projects, new pastors, and innovative programs. But one thing has remained the same: the desire to proclaim God’s word to the world.

75th Anniversary Documents
In 2020, Bethel celebrated 75 years of ministry at Bethel. These documents were created to celebrate many different aspects of the congregation’s history. Click below to catch a glimpse of what God has been up to through the people of Bethel Lutheran Church for the last 75 (now 78) years.